Tag Archives: brazil butt lift giveaway

Brazil Butt Lift Winner

16 Sep

And the Winner of the Brazil Butt Lift Giveaway Is……

Katie Nelson!!!!

This is two wins in a row for Ms. Nelson!!! Congrats Katie! I am so excited to hear about your results from this fabulous set of DVD’s!!

Interested in getting fit and leading a healthier life?  Ask me how or visit my site here.  Be sure and register for a FREE membership and gain access to a number of valuable weight loss tools, free online support and free offers!

Contest Details

What can you win?  A set of the booty blasting Brazil Butt Lift DVD’s by Beachbody.  Valued at $59.85

 How to enter:  Visit Beachbody and sign up for a *FREE membership.  Enter “CoachChayna” as your coach and enjoy the awesome  benefits!  Extra entries for each friend you refer!  Leave me a message indicating you did so and which friends you referred. Winner will be selected by Random.org.

*It takes two seconds and there are no credit cards involved or anything of that nature.

Dates:  Contest ends September 16th at noon PST.

Eligibility:  Must be 18 years or older and a US resident.

Brazil Butt Lift Giveaway

27 Aug

Guess who earned a double belt in Insanity!!?!?!  (In case you missed my Insane post, you can see what I am talking about by clicking here) Ok…well maybe they don’t give out belts, but I deserve one.  I earned it.  Although I might not have an Insanity t-shirt, because my husband finally confessed that he purchased our Insanity set on Ebay. Therefore, I am not eligible for the “I earned it” t-shirt (boo-hiss), which is awarded for completing 60 days of Insanity.  I did sweat my way through two rounds of the madness and since I can’t get a freakin’ t-shirt, we are doing a giveaway to celebrate!  Who needs another t-shirt anyways!? Sniffle…sniffle….

Contest Details

What can you win?  A set of the booty blasting Brazil Butt Lift DVD’s by Beachbody.  Valued at $59.85

 How to enter:  Visit Beachbody and sign up for a *FREE membership.  Enter “CoachChayna” as your coach and enjoy the awesome  benefits!  Extra entries for each friend you refer!  Leave me a message indicating you did so and which friends you referred. Winner will be selected by Random.org.

*It takes two seconds and there are no credit cards involved or anything of that nature.

Dates:  Contest ends September 16th at noon PST.

Eligibility:  Must be 18 years or older and a US resident.