Archive | September, 2011

10-Minute Trainer

27 Sep

Attn:  BUSY MOMS!  If you feel like you don’t have time to work out, Ten Minute Trainer is for you!!!!  Check out the great review in Self Magazine! Contact me for details or visit my beachbody site for ordering information.

Peanut….Peanut Butter

23 Sep

Confession:  I can’t take credit for the fabulous find that I am about to share.  On a recent playdate, a good friend and guest arm candy confession-ista shared (see her post here) one of the most fabulous snacks with my little arm candy. She shared the Original Peanut Butter by Justins Nut Butter.  OMG! These little packets of nut butters are AMAZING!

Immediately following our playdate, I came home and ordered an enormous amount of nut butters from Amazon.  I am now fully stocked and obsessed with these modern day wonders.  My daughter absolutely loves the original and my favorite is the Maple Almond. Heavenly.

I also love the company’s Sustainability efforts, which you can learn more about here.

Brazil Butt Lift Winner

16 Sep

And the Winner of the Brazil Butt Lift Giveaway Is……

Katie Nelson!!!!

This is two wins in a row for Ms. Nelson!!! Congrats Katie! I am so excited to hear about your results from this fabulous set of DVD’s!!

Interested in getting fit and leading a healthier life?  Ask me how or visit my site here.  Be sure and register for a FREE membership and gain access to a number of valuable weight loss tools, free online support and free offers!

Contest Details

What can you win?  A set of the booty blasting Brazil Butt Lift DVD’s by Beachbody.  Valued at $59.85

 How to enter:  Visit Beachbody and sign up for a *FREE membership.  Enter “CoachChayna” as your coach and enjoy the awesome  benefits!  Extra entries for each friend you refer!  Leave me a message indicating you did so and which friends you referred. Winner will be selected by

*It takes two seconds and there are no credit cards involved or anything of that nature.

Dates:  Contest ends September 16th at noon PST.

Eligibility:  Must be 18 years or older and a US resident.

Happy Trails

13 Sep

Guest Confession:  My husband and I love road trips!  A basket full of junk food and an ice chest full of drinks and we were set!  Now with two munchkins things have changed a bit.  Not wanting to give up our footloose and fancy free lifestyle I had to get creative and thanks to some great products and a sturdy shop vac we can travel happily… usually…

One Step Ahead has the Deluxe Snack and Play Travel Tray, a crash tested tray that fits on the car seat so your sweet one can draw and snack and play without constantly dropping everything. 

So what to entertain them with?  We are avoiding the DVD player in the car for as long as possible so some alternate ideas are books on CD and sticker books.  A favorite of ours is Ellison the Elephant

Snacks are an integral part of any road trip and our all-time fave is Annie’s Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks, available at Amazon on Subscribe and Save.  I always add in some cereal, like Kashi Heart to Heart, it is not just for eating after all, with some fun paper cups, they have their own texture table in the back seat!  This results in a crazy mess, hence the shop vac, but so worth it!   For drinks, I love these sippy cups, since they have no stoppers inside, cleaning on the go is super simple!

For younger road warriors, a pack of Post-It notes, a feather duster and an empty pill box can take you a long way down the highway!   I usually skim the $1 Spot at Target for little things like this before any trip.  Happy Trails!

*This guest confession brought to you by Ginny B from Seattle! Ginny is the mother of two beautiful girls and a modern day organizational wonder! She is always full of fabulous tips and treasures to make every mother’s life a little easier.  Thank you Ginny for sharing your confession!


Current Giveaway:  Three days left to enter the Brazil Butt Giveaway! Click here for more details!

Teacher First Day Survival Kit

7 Sep

Confession:  You might feel a twinge of guilt after reading this post.  However, that is not the intention.  If you are anything like myself, your child started school this week.  I was feeling especially proud that my son made it out the door on time.  His school supplies were nicely labeled in his new dinosaur backpack.  His teeth were freshly brushed.   His clothes were neatly ironed  and he had a healthy breakfast in his tiny little tummy.  Day One= SUCCESS!!!

By most motherly accounts, I may have even exceeded expectations.  However, I can’t help but feel a bit guilty after scrolling my Facebook newsfeed and coming across a friend’s out of this world “1st Day Teacher’s Survival Kit”.  Talk about starting the school year off on the right foot!  These amazing teacher baskets are personalized for each teacher and include some of the following items:  hand sanitizer, cute office supplies, bath and body soaps, coffee cards, chocolate, gum and personalized clever little notes indicating what each item is for.  Amazing, no!?

The creator and thoughtful gal behind these adorable creations happens to have dedicated quite a bit of time in the classroom as a teacher and knows first hand how valuable teachers can be to our little arm candies.  It is going uncontested that the Arm Candy Confessions First Day of School MVP (most valuable parent) goes to Mrs. Amy Taylor of Portland, Oregon.

If you are like me and didn’t think of getting anything for your child’s teacher, (not even an apple…doh)  fret not.  Teacher’s appreciation week will be here before you know it and the holidays are right around the corner.  Amy shared a couple of her other crafty creations to help get our creative teacher lovin’ juices flowing.  She just happened to whip together these baskets in her “free time”.  Oh, I forgot to mention, Amy is the mother to three beautiful girls (see below), my P90X inspiration and pretty much out of his world fabulous and I can’t imagine she has a lot of free time!  No joke. Thank you to Amy for the inspiration and the reminder that teachers need love too!

GIVEAWAY: Brazil Butt Lift DVD’s Valued at $59.85 

How to win: Visit Beachbody and sign up for a *FREE membership.  Enter “CoachChayna” as your coach and enjoy the awesome  free benefits!  Extra entries for each friend you refer!  Leave me a message indicating you did so and which friends you referred. Winner will be selected by

Contest ends September 16th at noon.  Eligibility: Must be 18 years or older and a US resident.