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Sneaky St. Pat

16 Feb

Confession:  Green is not a color that frequently appears in my children’s closets. Last year St. Patrick’s Day snuck up on us. I found myself floundering about the closets for something green for my children to wear.  As luck would have it, our local soccer team happens to have green as one of its colors.  (Yes, it is the only day of the year I am thankful that they decided to bring back day-glo green) 

This year I am planning ahead! Check out these adorable finds for the lucky charms in your life!






1. Petite Peanut   2. Listen to this Button    3.  BowHead Bowtique   4.   Wren Willow   5. Headband Blossoms

Teacher First Day Survival Kit

7 Sep

Confession:  You might feel a twinge of guilt after reading this post.  However, that is not the intention.  If you are anything like myself, your child started school this week.  I was feeling especially proud that my son made it out the door on time.  His school supplies were nicely labeled in his new dinosaur backpack.  His teeth were freshly brushed.   His clothes were neatly ironed  and he had a healthy breakfast in his tiny little tummy.  Day One= SUCCESS!!!

By most motherly accounts, I may have even exceeded expectations.  However, I can’t help but feel a bit guilty after scrolling my Facebook newsfeed and coming across a friend’s out of this world “1st Day Teacher’s Survival Kit”.  Talk about starting the school year off on the right foot!  These amazing teacher baskets are personalized for each teacher and include some of the following items:  hand sanitizer, cute office supplies, bath and body soaps, coffee cards, chocolate, gum and personalized clever little notes indicating what each item is for.  Amazing, no!?

The creator and thoughtful gal behind these adorable creations happens to have dedicated quite a bit of time in the classroom as a teacher and knows first hand how valuable teachers can be to our little arm candies.  It is going uncontested that the Arm Candy Confessions First Day of School MVP (most valuable parent) goes to Mrs. Amy Taylor of Portland, Oregon.

If you are like me and didn’t think of getting anything for your child’s teacher, (not even an apple…doh)  fret not.  Teacher’s appreciation week will be here before you know it and the holidays are right around the corner.  Amy shared a couple of her other crafty creations to help get our creative teacher lovin’ juices flowing.  She just happened to whip together these baskets in her “free time”.  Oh, I forgot to mention, Amy is the mother to three beautiful girls (see below), my P90X inspiration and pretty much out of his world fabulous and I can’t imagine she has a lot of free time!  No joke. Thank you to Amy for the inspiration and the reminder that teachers need love too!

GIVEAWAY: Brazil Butt Lift DVD’s Valued at $59.85 

How to win: Visit Beachbody and sign up for a *FREE membership.  Enter “CoachChayna” as your coach and enjoy the awesome  free benefits!  Extra entries for each friend you refer!  Leave me a message indicating you did so and which friends you referred. Winner will be selected by

Contest ends September 16th at noon.  Eligibility: Must be 18 years or older and a US resident.

Sugar Booger

29 Aug

Confession: I’m still in love with Sugar Booger.  Nearly a year ago, I confessed my love for the company, ORE, and its’ line of Sugar Booger products. (Don’t remember, click here)  A year later and I am still in love.  The wonderful news is that I received the Fall 2011 Press Kit and I am even more in love.  I have managed to leave the catalogs dog-eared and drool stained. And though I have torn through them numerous times, they still have not managed to make their way to the recycle bin.

In addition to the fabulous children’s line, Sugar Booger,  ORE has two additional lines, one for adults (Living Goods) and one for pets (Ore Pet).  The Founder and President of ORE is a mother from Long Beach.  If you haven’t noticed, I LOVE woman run companies.  Especially woman run companies that make safe and adorable products for our arm candies and our pets.  I also love discounts. ORE is bringing us fabulous products and a 10% discount on web order purchases by using the code MID11 through September 30, 2011.  Check out some of the adorable and functional fall collections.  Be sure and check back for a few new designs that will be available on September 1, 2011.  They are absolutely ad “ore” able!

Flip & Sip Stainless-steel drink container

Zippee Lunch Tote

Prehistoric Pals Kiddie apron

Good Lunch Snack Sack

CURRENT GIVEAWAY:  Set of Brazil Butt Lift DVD’s!!! Valued at $59.85! Click here to enter!

Brazil Butt Lift Giveaway

27 Aug

Guess who earned a double belt in Insanity!!?!?!  (In case you missed my Insane post, you can see what I am talking about by clicking here) Ok…well maybe they don’t give out belts, but I deserve one.  I earned it.  Although I might not have an Insanity t-shirt, because my husband finally confessed that he purchased our Insanity set on Ebay. Therefore, I am not eligible for the “I earned it” t-shirt (boo-hiss), which is awarded for completing 60 days of Insanity.  I did sweat my way through two rounds of the madness and since I can’t get a freakin’ t-shirt, we are doing a giveaway to celebrate!  Who needs another t-shirt anyways!? Sniffle…sniffle….

Contest Details

What can you win?  A set of the booty blasting Brazil Butt Lift DVD’s by Beachbody.  Valued at $59.85

 How to enter:  Visit Beachbody and sign up for a *FREE membership.  Enter “CoachChayna” as your coach and enjoy the awesome  benefits!  Extra entries for each friend you refer!  Leave me a message indicating you did so and which friends you referred. Winner will be selected by

*It takes two seconds and there are no credit cards involved or anything of that nature.

Dates:  Contest ends September 16th at noon PST.

Eligibility:  Must be 18 years or older and a US resident.

Missoni is coming! Missoni is coming!

21 Aug

Who said 13 isn’t a lucky number?  As luck would have it, September 13th happens to be a very lucky day.  So lucky in fact, that I might wake up a little early and go get in line at a local Target.  TARGET you ask?  Yes, Target.  As luck would have it, Missoni has decided to bless the general population with a collection of zigs, zags and even handbags.  Below is a sneak peek of a few of the children’s items from the new line.

Want to see the full line?  Click here.  I will warn you, some outfits might be more appropriate for a game of cowboys and indians as opposed to a meet up at the park.(I know, so politically incorrect, but don’t tell me it didn’t cross your mind when viewing some of the women’s wear) However, there are definitely a few items that I hope end up in my closet.

This outfit is not one of them.

Calling All Moms

17 Aug

Confession:  I am well aware that calling cards are perhaps the modern-day dinosaur.  Let’s be real.  If *Billy’s mother is unable to track you down through Google, Facebook, or mutual friends, this is probably not someone who you would want your child hanging out with. 

However, when it comes to free adorable Mommy Calling Cards from Minted, it is hard to resist.  I could not. From now until September 23, Minted is offering 25 free Mommy Calling Cards.  Shipping is not free and from card to cart, you will be charged $7.95.  Such a steal! 

*Name has been changed to protect identity.

INSANE in Seattle

5 Aug

Confession:  I am OBSESSED with Shakeology and Insanity.  Shake-what you ask? Shakeology.  Those near and dear to me know that I have been raving about both Insanity and Shakeology for months.

Since having two children, I have been on a mission to create the best version of me possible.  I have tried a number of different methods and while many have failed, Beachbody has definitely succeeded.  I have completed one round of Insanity and am currently on my second round.  Yes, that makes me freaking INSANE.  However, I love it! Actually, let me clarify…I love the results.  I often roll my eyes and swear my way through the workouts.  They are the hardest workouts I have ever done.  I went so far as to cancel my gym membership because the program works so much better for my crazy schedule of motherhood and I achieved better results in 60 days with Insanity and Shakeology than I did with two years in the gym.  I complete the workouts in my living room and there are no excuses for me. If I have to run and let the dog out, I do it.  If I need to get milk for one of my kids, I do it.  I just keep pushing play and pulling myself up off the floor.

I made the decision early on that not only do I need to work out, which I have always done fairly consistently, but  I also need to eat cleaner and set a better example for my children.  Don’t get me wrong, I am nowhere near perfect and enjoy pizza and wine as much as the next.  However, I try.  I ordered Shakeology after reading online raves and it has become my multi-vitamin.  I have a shake every day for breakfast and love how it makes me feel.  I have even done the 3 day Cleanse with Shakeology and lost 7 lbs the last time around.  The stuff is simply fabulous.  The only downfall to Shakeology is the price.  It is expensive.  However, I view it as a lifestyle modification and have given up my afternoon coffee from Starbucks to balance the budget per se.  In addition, I signed up as a “Coach” to receive the product at a discount and to hold myself accountable to my goals.  I truly feel the Beachbody programs are absolutely amazing. I am so inspired by many of my friends that have made incredible changes on p90x and Insanity.  I just happen to be one of the masses that has had success with the program.

Ok, I am off to push play and sweat myself to a healthier me! If you are seriously interested in trying Shakeology, send me a message and I am happy to send you a sample.  I am also planning on starting TurboFire once I finish my second round of Insanity.  (Approx. 3 weeks) If you are interested in joining me, let me know! Happy Friday!

Juicy Deals

3 Aug

There are so many “deals” out there! Trust me, I have purchased my fair share! However, there is a new kid on the Seattle block!  (Not so new in other areas of the country)  Welcome Juice In The City!

This fabulous deal finder uses moms to find the best deals in local communities.  Juice in the City focuses on local mom favorites and passes the savings along to others in the community! It is a win-win! Moms win and local businesses win! What is not to absolutely love?!  You may even recognize a local Juice in the City mom or two!

Want to see today’s sweeeeeet deal:

Today's Juicy Deal

Registry 101

27 Jul

Confession:  This post is long overdue.  It has taken a couple of questions from newly pregnant friends to motivate me to get a registry tips post together, so here goes.  First and foremost, I am completely over Babies R Us.  I know it is the standard and they rival Starbucks for number of stores and convenience of locations, however, I feel they are lacking in so many areas.  I definitely think Babies R Us is a great place to start.  Go and try out baby items and register for the basic necessities, however, when it comes to registering for items you really want, (i.e. High end Strollers, Carriers)  I recommend Amazon.

With the baby registry, you need to definitely know what you want prior to registering, because it is always a little more challenging returning items by mail rather than walking into a store.  Regardless, the major bonus with Amazon is that they have EVERYTHING, including higher quality items and speciality items.  It is so difficult finding specialty baby stores that have an online registry.  For example, I absolutely love the Little Giraffe Towels and the Baby Bjorn Active carrier, neither of which are available at Babies R Us.  I never cared for the wraps and slings, but I have a number of friends that swear by them.  These items are also available on Amazon.

I used the Baby Bjorn Active when my kids were newborn until about six months and then made the switch to the Ergo Carrier.  I still carry my almost two year old in the Ergo and absolutely love it.  Ask any mother, and they will tell you that a great carrier is one of the most important items you will register for.   (As another Arm Candy Guest writer pointed out here) The health of your back is dependent on this decision.

Second, great swaddle blankets are a must.  I am a HUGE fan of Aden + Anais Muslin Swaddle Blankets.  These blankets are adorable,  lightweight and huge! I could probably swaddle my toddler.  Not that I would, but I probably could.  In fact, add these right now to your registry…..

Third, Babies R Us baby towels are so poorly made. (Sorry Babies R Us.  Just some straight talk from Seattle over a cup of morning java.) I would take one Little Giraffe Chenille towel over ten towels from Babies R Us.  These towels are amazingly soft and hold up so well in the washing machine.  Love, love, love.

Lastly, Amazon actually has a decent selection of baby clothing.  Personally, I love Splendid and if you have already purchased the entire Splendid Target line, you might as well register for the real deal on Amazon.

I realize the online registry takes the fun out of zapping items with the registry gun, but you will thank me later.

Serving up a Giveaway!

15 Jul

Image credit: Andrew McLeod, Landov US Weekly

Confession: I love handbags.  However, if I were ever selected for a “What’s In Your Bag” spot in US Weekly or a similar type publication, I would be mortified. I would be forced to confess that the bottom of my purse is filled with crushed Cheerios and looks something like the floor of a movie theater  following a midnight viewing of Harry Potter. My favorite purses have been hung for special occasions and kid-free outings.

Yet, motherhood has not stopped my love for handbags, it has merely shifted  my selection process.  Recently, while ordering a lunch sack for my son, I stumbled across Sachi lunch sacks.  I couldn’t resist.  I picked up the following insulated, functional and Kate Spade-esque little number for myself:

Lunch just got a whole lot cuter! Not to mention, there is a little pocket to stash your keys, cash and cards so no need for double bagging. My every day purse no longer has to double for a lunch sack. Now if  Sachi could make an insulated interior for my car I would be set!

GIVEAWAY: Our friends at Sachi are giving away a Sachi “hobo” bag to one lucky Arm Candy Confessions reader! The winner can select the color of their choice!

Giveaway Details:

How to enter: Visit Arm Candy Confessions on facebook and leave a wall comment on why you want a Sachi bag and which color you would choose! 

Contest Ends: Monday, July 18th at noon PST. 

Choose from Pink, Lime Green, Blue or Brown.