Archive | June, 2011

Q: Guess What Time It Is?

29 Jun

A:  Aaron Brother’s penny sale.  As if it wasn’t exciting enough, now they have added select art supplies to the mix.  Buy one get one for a penny.  Definitely worth reposting.

I have to confess, I heard about the Aaron Brother’s Penny Sale a few years ago and my excitement level failed to reach luke warm.  However, three years, two babies, a dog and a trip to Italy later, my excitement flow-eth over! As luck would have it, I happened to have an abundance of pictures that I needed framed when I stumbled into Aaron Brother’s last weekend and discovered the “buy one and get one for a penny sale”.  Too good to be true right!?!? Wrong.  Buy any frame and get one of equal or lesser value for a penny.  The sale runs until the end of the month and only happens once a year.  SO, drop what you are doing and go!  Your walls will thank you!

Guilt Free Shoes

28 Jun

Confession: I am constantly buying shoes for my arm candies….ok maybe a pair or two for moi as well.  It is a bit of problem.  Enter TOMS.  Not only are TOMS shoes extremely affordable, but for every shoe purchased they donate a pair of shoes to a child in need.  This is an example of what I like to call guilt-free shopping.  Now if only I could write them off on this years’ taxes.

These are the adorable TOMS I purchased for my son.

It just so happens they pair perfectly with these:

On a serious note, TOMS is one of my absolute favorite companies.  I love the thought of not only buying shoes for my children but for children around the world.  Spread the word.